It is a triazine derivative (symmetric triazine), with coccidicide and antiprotozoal activity.
For all coccidiosis phases including schizogony and gametogony, Eimeria spp. phases in poultry.
Administration to animals with hepatic/kidney affections.
Side effects: The administration of high doses can cause egg laying reduction in laying hens and growth and multineuritis inhibition in chickens.
Poultry: 500 - 1,500 mL per 500 liter of drinking water for 2 days.
(Daily dose 7 mg per 10 kg of live weight). Note: Only administer medicated water as drinking water. Do not administer to laying poultry.
For meat:
- Poultry: 25 days.
Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Storage temperature: 15° - 30°C (59° - 86°F).
Protect from moisture and light.